
GitLab Backups for Bitcoin Core repository

GitLab Backups for Bitcoin Core repository

Original Postby laanwj

Posted on: March 21, 2024 08:57 UTC

The email provides information about the preservation and accessibility of Bitcoin repositories by the sender.

These repositories are available through an onion link, specifically http://nxshomzlgqmwfwhcnyvbznyrybh3gotlfgis7wkv7iur2yj2rarlhiad.onion, which does not offer a user-friendly interface akin to platforms like GitLab. This is primarily due to the sender's reservations about implementing dynamic server functionalities that could potentially compromise the operation or security of the service. Furthermore, there is an acknowledgment of the necessity to update the system for handling metadata. The current method relies on an outdated script named bitcoin-gh-meta, indicating a need for modernization to improve efficiency or functionality in mirroring metadata associated with the Bitcoin repositories.