


Original Postby ajtowns

Posted on: March 12, 2024 23:45 UTC

The discussion revolves around the potential implications of high transaction fees on the utility of OP_EXPIRE in Bitcoin transactions, particularly within the context of optimizing block space usage.

The primary proposition centers on the strategic application of OP_EXPIRE to manage conditional and timeout paths in transactions more efficiently. This is especially relevant in scenarios involving closed lightning channels with numerous Hash Time-Locked Contracts (HTLCs) that have varying expiration times.

Typically, it is advisable to claim these HTLCs as they reach their timeout to avoid losing them. However, this approach results in multiple transactions that not only consume valuable block space but also lead to the accumulation of small, less usable outputs (dust) in one’s wallet. By incorporating OP_EXPIRE into the "reveal preimage" path of these transactions, it becomes possible to aggregate the claims into a single transaction once all the relevant HTLCs have expired. This method presents a strategic way to consolidate outputs, thereby mitigating the inefficiencies associated with generating numerous dust outputs and excessive use of block space. Essentially, the use of OP_EXPIRE in this manner could significantly streamline the process of managing expiring conditions in blockchain transactions, offering a more block space-efficient and economically sensible approach to handling such scenarios.