
Property-based testing for Bitcoin Core

Property-based testing for Bitcoin Core

Original Postby Chris_Stewart_5

Posted on: March 7, 2024 14:12 UTC

The discussion revolves around a previously proposed but eventually disregarded pull request (PR) in the Bitcoin repository, which can be found at

The PR aimed to introduce certain improvements or features that were ultimately considered to be overlapping with existing capabilities provided by the project's fuzzing infrastructure. Fuzzing, a software testing technique that involves providing invalid, unexpected, or random data as inputs to a computer program, is a crucial aspect of ensuring the robustness and security of software. In this case, the redundancy noted between the proposed changes in the PR and the existing fuzzing mechanisms led to the decision not to proceed with integrating the PR into the main codebase.

This incident highlights the importance of evaluating new contributions against existing functionalities to avoid duplications that do not add value. It also underscores the significance of fuzzing as a tool in the maintenance and enhancement of software security and reliability, particularly in projects as critical as Bitcoin, where the integrity and security of the codebase are paramount. The mention of this specific PR serves as an example of the ongoing efforts and discussions within the open-source community to refine and improve Bitcoin, illustrating the dynamic nature of software development and the collaborative effort to advance and secure the technology.