
64 bit arithmetic soft fork

64 bit arithmetic soft fork

Original Postby Chris_Stewart_5

Posted on: January 13, 2024 15:03 UTC

The inquiry posed pertains to the potential modification of a specific check in regard to leaf versions within the realm of Bitcoin scripting and whether such an alteration would necessitate a hard fork.

The sender is seeking clarity on the flexibility of consensus rules, especially in relation to tapscript leaf versions. An understanding of this can be gleaned from the referenced section of Bitcoin's source code hosted on GitHub, specifically within the interpreter component of the script subsystem at line 613 of the "interpreter.cpp" file.

For those interested in exploring the technical specifics, the mentioned section of code can be reviewed by visiting the provided GitHub link, which leads to the Bitcoin repository. This section of the codebase is instrumental for those looking to comprehend how modifications to Bitcoin's scripting language could impact the network's consensus rules and whether such changes can be implemented without a disruptive hard fork, thus preserving continuity and avoiding potential splits within the blockchain.