
A Free-Relay Attack Exploiting RBF Rule #6

A Free-Relay Attack Exploiting RBF Rule #6

Original Postby David A. Harding

Posted on: March 27, 2024 19:50 UTC

Peter Todd and Dave engage in an exchange concerning the disclosure of a vulnerability affecting Bitcoin software.

Peter Todd emphasizes his practice of providing detailed descriptions for attacks on Bitcoin software that have been responsibly disclosed, ensuring these descriptions are accessible through a backlink to a specialized page. This approach is underscored by his commitment to thorough investigation in situations where the nature of the disclosure is unclear or ambiguous. Dave, on the other hand, expresses discomfort, interpreting Todd's inquiries as potentially harassing. However, Todd clarifies his stance, explaining that his actions are driven by a desire for clarity and responsibility in the disclosure process. He mentions a specific instance of confusion where an attack, initially thought to be irresponsibly disclosed based on initial texts, was later confirmed by Dave as having been disclosed responsibly. This revelation shifts the nature of their interaction, highlighting the importance of clear communication and accurate representation of events within the cybersecurity and digital currency communities.