
Adding New BIP Editors

Adding New BIP Editors

Original Postby Matt Corallo

Posted on: March 27, 2024 23:54 UTC

In the ongoing discussion regarding the appointment of new Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) editors, two candidates have been prominently suggested due to their extensive experience and contributions within the Bitcoin community.

Kanzure is highlighted for his long-standing presence in the Bitcoin ecosystem, which surpasses that of any other candidate. His deep involvement has provided him with a unique perspective on numerous proposals for changes to Bitcoin, positioning him as an invaluable resource for guiding new BIP authors towards relevant citations. Kanzure's consistent responsiveness further aligns with the objective of appointing new editors who can efficiently support authors throughout the proposal process.

Murch is another recommended candidate, noted for his significant experience with various Bitcoin ideas and concepts. A key aspect of Murch's suitability for the role of a BIP editor lies in his extensive work in documenting appropriate terminology related to Bitcoin. This expertise makes him particularly well-suited for the task of copy editing technical proposals within the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal framework. The emphasis on selecting candidates for their editorial capabilities rather than technical competence alone reflects a nuanced understanding of the requirements for BIP editors. These recommendations underscore the importance of both historical involvement in the Bitcoin community and specific skills in documentation and editing for the role of BIP editors.