
The Future of Bitcoin Testnet

The Future of Bitcoin Testnet

Original Postby Fabian

Posted on: April 1, 2024 22:01 UTC

In the ongoing discussion about potential improvements to blockchain technology, particularly concerning Bitcoin, two significant suggestions have emerged.

The first proposal involves simplifying the system by removing the special rule and reducing the block interval. This approach is seen as a straightforward solution to current challenges. Alternatively, there is a proposition to retain the existing exception logic but modify the difficulty adjustment code. Specifically, the suggested amendment involves altering the CalculateNextWorkRequired function to identify the last block that did not have difficulty 1 and use that block's difficulty level as the basis for future difficulty calculations. This method, which was inspired after reviewing Jameson's initial email, is considered by some as the most intuitive fix to the identified issues. For further details on the proposed change, one can refer to the commit detailed on GitHub (view commit).